Thursday, July 1, 2010

Five Production ‘Secrets’ from ‘Water for Elephants’

Robert Pat­tin­son and the elephants.
In Water for Ele­phants, Robert Pat­tin­son plays oppo­site Reese With­er­spoon and Christoph Waltz. The film is the adap­ta­tion of the novel of the same title, which was writ­ten by Sara Gruen and tells the story of Jacob Jankowski (Robert Pat­tin­son), a stu­dent in vet­eri­nary med­i­cine whose par­ents are bru­tally killed . He aban­dons his stud­ies and will engage in a cir­cus, where he will cure the animals.
5 Pro­duc­tion Secrets (JAG: some are erm not so secret if you’re a WFE fan)
Sean Penn was to play in the film, but he with­drew. He was replaced by Christoph Waltz, who won an Oscar for his per­for­mance in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglou­ri­ous Bas­terds.
The pro­duc­tion takes place entirely in Los Ange­les. Rumor is that Robert Pat­tin­son and Kris­ten Stew­art rented a house near the set.
Dur­ing the breaks, Robert Pat­tin­son plays with Ava, Reese Witherspoon’s 10 years old daugh­ter.
Rob has cut his hair for his role and he fully intends to con­vince the team to Twi­light: Break­ing Dawn to allow him to keep his new hair­cut.
The story is set in the 30s, dur­ing the Great Depres­sion. Water for Ele­phants should be in the­aters in 2011, but the stu­dios have not yet given a spec­i­fied release date.

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